Point of sale marketing: Are you taking full advantage of it?

You need to find a way to implement point of sale marketing with your on-hold message,  you have a captive audience and you want to utilize that by making the most of your on hold messaging.
Point of sale marketing (POS) – we’ve all likely heard the term but do you, as a business owner, truly understand the concept? If you do, are you fully utilizing its principles?
If you own a retail – or physical location – for your business, point of sale marketing can be implemented in any number of ways. Store owners can place point of sale displays at the cash register but truly, point of sale is anywhere that the customer goes to pay for items or services and anywhere they go to get information about what you have to offer. Your point of sale entry point could be the front door, the internet or across the boardroom table.

Point of sale items can be those marked down for clearance and placed at the cash register. It could be information printed on the customer’s sales receipt on which you could print a receipt good for use the next time they visit your location or site. It can also be your on hold message that is your point of entry for the customer and your point of sale.
Even if you have a brick & mortar store, your business is most likely also conducted either wholly or partially over the telephone, so your point of sale is also on the telephone. You need to find a way to implement point of sale marketing with your on-hold message – you have a captive audience and you want to utilize that by making the most of your on hold messaging. The message, when created properly and used in conjunction with your other advertising can create a synergy that enhances your brand image. Audio has been proven to be a powerful tool to evoke a memory response from your current and potential clients.
To produce a qualified lead your on hold message is a powerful tool in helping turn prospects to leads. Your established customers can be prompted to ask about new products or services (if properly introduced during the on-hold message) and new customers will be introduced more fully to who you are and what you do.
With an on hold message as your point of sale marketing plan you can:
  • Introduce new products to customers in an cost effective way
  • Increase traffic to your website
  • Entice your existing customers to ask about new products and services
  • Build a professional image while at the same time educating your customers
  • Take advantage of the time your customers are on hold
  • Spread the word in a non-intrusive way about who you are and what you do. If your customers are going to be on hold, make it a productive time rather than leaving them to hold in silence or listen to a message – or music – that is not your own.
  • Up sell products or services to your customers
On hold messaging is a very powerful tool in your point of sale arsenal so make certain you are taking full advantage of the time your customers spend waiting to hear from you or your staff. They are a captive audience and because they’ve made the first step in calling you, educate, entertain and spread the word about who you are, what you do, and what you have to offer.