If your company goes green, show it!

If your company is committed — as we are — to going green and working with sustainable practices, you need to let your customers know.
Because we are committed to supporting sustainable resources we know it’s important for businesses to be transparent and to detail their environmental good deeds. You don’t have to undertake a money or labor intensive campaign to let your customers know, but you should be aware that many consumers are paying attention to whether the companies they work with are environmentally friendly. Here are some tips on effectively marketing your company’s green efforts to both current and potential customers.

  1. Spread the word: Your customers won’t know that you’ve undertaken green practices unless you tell them. Devote a section on your website to touting your green efforts. If your company has a mission statement that speaks to your green practices, get the word out about that as well. Let visitors to your site know your green goals and your progress toward meeting them. Mention your green practices in your on hold messages.
  2. Ask for participation: Let your clients be part of the solution by telling them how their support of your business will further your company’s sustainability efforts. Customers who support environmental issues will feel more invested in you and your causes.
  3. Quantify your practices: Saying you use recycled paper is no longer enough to make customers’ believe that you care about the environment. If your goal is to save electricity, reduce your firm’s carbon footprint or cut down on paper usage, go “public” with the figures. Track on your website, in your newsletters or other media – let your clients see your progress.
  4. Give some green: If your environmental concerns go beyond your own company’s internal efforts, and if you donate to green causes, let those efforts be known as well. Many companies dedicate a portion of their profits to charitable, environmental organizations. If any of your employees donate their time toward environmental causes, let those efforts be known.
We don’t espouse going green simply as a publicity stunt or a way to get your name out in front of the public, we believe in the mission of working toward sustainability and environment-friendly practices.
You can go green by using a new on hold message player that doesn’t use a cassette tape of CD, both of which must be sent through the mail. New message on hold players use MP3 technology and the messages on hold can be emailed or delivered via internet directly to the player.