Your customers deserve more than they bargained for

If you deliver on a “promise” to provide a specific service or product, your customer is satisfied. But, what if you over-deliver? The goodwill and word of mouth advertising that can be generated may be extremely valuable for your company. can you think of a reason your company shouldn’t do that? Normally, clients approach you […]

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3 Tips for Successful Ad Campaigns

Most business owners do not explore new marketing strategies until they experience a sharp decline in their revenue. Advertising campaigns are not evergreen. They evolve and grow, improve and degenerate. Most work at home, or small business owners shell out a substantial amount of money for a good ad campaign and then let it run […]

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7 tips to propel your business into the next realm

Marketing — and tracking the results of it is an on-going task, but the results will pay off! Growing a business is not an overnight process. It takes time, but there are people who are able to make a lot of money in a short period of time; for those people, though, they are not […]

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Product Launch Tips

When launching a product online, you need to do a lot of preparation first. You need to get the various pieces of the puzzle right to make sure your product launch goes as planned. Try using the following tips. Sell the Launch: When you are preparing a product launch, you have to create a stir […]

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Twitter Marketing Tips

Twitter has become a high activity social zone on the web; no wonder Internet marketers are taking full advantage of it. Below are some Twitter marketing tips that you can use to get started. When you join in with the Twitter community and begin building a network, be sure you work on letting people know […]

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Secret of Successful Entrepreneurs Revealed

While everyone of us aspire to be Bill gates or Steve Jobs, very few achieve a fraction of their success. So what’s the key behind their success that has evaded you? It seems the key is the risk taking ability. According to a study, entrepreneurs who take risky business decisions are more likely to achieve […]

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Facebook, Twitter ads, is it too much (for your visitors)?

If you’re a small business owner and you are working with a limited marketing budget you need to get the most bang for your advertising buck. And right now, marketing through social media advertising is hot and could be one of the most effective strategies for your business. If you haven’t explored the idea of […]

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10 marketing tips for your small business

Who has time for marketing? You may not have time, but you certainly need to make the time. Here are ten simple tips to market your business more effectively. Marketing your business is almost a full time job and you have enough to do just actually running your business, right? We’ve found ten ways to […]

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Are you utilizing your most valuable "real estate"?

Sending out an email newsletter? Take advantage of that electronic ‘real estate!’ “Location, location, location,” it’s the real estate agents’ mantra but did you know that every business owner has “real estate” that needs to be utilized to its fullest? It is your email; whether you send out email fliers, email newsletters or simply correspond […]

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7 tips to better networking

Make the most of your networking time by utilizing these tips both before, during and after. You know that a way to grow your business is to network. According to the Referral Institute, you need to spend between 8 and 20 hours per week networking – whether at group events or one-on-one meetings with prospective […]

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