5 tips to make your on hold message work for you

Rather than letting your customers become bored and lose interest while they’re waiting for you to pick up, use a message that keeps them riveted and wanting to know more when you do pick up.

Gone are the days when you want your customers – and potential customers – waiting on hold on your business telephone listening to either dead air or jazz music. Savvy business owners use their on-hold messages as a way to let callers know what makes your business unique.

New products or services to sell? Upgrades for clients who are currently working with you? One of a kind, incentive-based offers with time limited deadlines? Special holiday only deals? All of these are excellent items to highlight in an on hold message and here are a few more of our favorite reasons to optimize a potential clients on hold time:
  1. Shine the spotlight on your company’s strengths: Why is your company or service unique? Focus on those in your on hold message – keep them rapt with information about you so they never consider the competition. Have you recently won an award? Released a new product or service? Are you offering a money off deal? Talk about it on your message
  2. Use what you already have: Leverage your current on hold script (if you have one) as a starting point. You don’t want, or need, to completely reinvent your business. Discuss the best way to highlight your business with your professional on hold service provider.
  3. Dial it back: Don’t overload your caller with too much information and don’t talk too fast. Voice-over professionals know the correct way to effectively deliver your message. Ask a question in your on hold message as a conversation starter when you pick up. A successful message is memorable and has unique appeal.
  4. Pick your tone wisely: Remember, your on hold message is your virtual receptionist. If you’re an attorney, the tone of your message would be different than that of a pediatrician or an auto dealership. Your on hold message and voice need to reflect the nature of both your business and your message.
  5. The bottom line: What’s your call to action? Don’t be coy about what you want your callers to do – buy from you, use your service, etc. Make certain your on hold message mentions your website and announces specials you’re running. Intrigue your customers and encourage them to ask questions to learn more.
Utilize these steps to make the most of the time your callers spend on hold waiting for you to pick up the call. A professional on hold message sets you apart from the competition.