5 tips to being a successful sales person

As a business owner you may not label yourself a sales person, but you are every entrepreneur is in his or her own way. Running a business for a living requires a consistent amount of persistence because obstacles loom on a regular basis.
Speaker Brian Tracy wrote that, “a person will face the most challenging obstacle just before they achieve their goal.”

Here are our top five picks for traits of a successful sales person aka business owner:
  1. You must be an avid goal setter. You have to know what you want to accomplish and what steps you will take to get there. Make your goals specific and measurable. You need to write them down as well as visualize them and check back in with your goals on a daily basis to mark your progress. If you don’t meet a goal, don’t make excuses, make a plan to get back on track the following morning.
  2. 2. Hone your listening skills. Great sales people are great listeners; they listen to their clients’ problems and offer solutions to address them. On the flip-side, great sales people also ask quality questions. The best sales people ask their clients and prospects a lot of questions so they can fully understand what issues they are facing – they then wait for the client to respond before they offer solutions.
  3. You can’t take no for an answer and you can’t take rejection of your product or service personally. Being an entrepreneur requires tenacity.
  4. Be passionate and enthusiastic about your product. You need to love your company and the goods and/or services it provides because if you do, it shows in your presentation and dealings with clients.
  5. Stay in touch. The way to be successful is to reach out to your clients on a regular basis – not only do they appreciate it, but it’s easier and less costly to keep a client than to prospect for a new one. Let your clients know you appreciate them and value their business. Use your on hold messages to let them know how you feel about them.
Regardless of the type of business that you’re in, remember first and foremost you are a sales person. Every day is about sales and marketing of your business.