Most businesses would like to think that their products/services are for everyone… but, they’re not.

On hold messaging is only for people who want to stay connected with their customers, even when they have to place them on hold.

Here are 3 reasons why message on hold services may not be for you:

1. If you don’t think it’s important to keep your customers informed about who you are, what you do and why you’re in business, then don’t use an on hold message provider.

2. If you don’t mind abandoning your customers and leaving them in silence while they wait on hold, then don’t use messaging on hold.

3. If you derive some sort of sick pleasure from having your valuable callers wonder if you’ve hung up, because they don’t hear anything when you place them on hold, you should forget about on hold messaging.

4. If you want 30% of callers to hang up and never call back after you place them on hold, by all means, don’t use a message on hold.

Seriously, AAA Phone On Hold may not be the service you’re looking for. There are plenty of good message on hold providers, but we actually care about our clients. Why? Because, we are truly a family owned and operated business. If we don’t treat you right, that means less food on our table (and we LOVE to eat).